In Production


Elixir Mandragora

Animated Feature

"Elixir Mandragora" is an original musical tale created by Clockwork Knotwork (Daniel O'Ryan, Tonya O'Ryan, Logan Mills) Staring Micheal Winslow and John Sprocket with the Cog is Dead. Animated by the team at Westerfield Studios in 2D with Harmney. The story...

After traveling to New Orleans (1906) young Irish immigrant sets out to find Fortune and Adventure where he is caught up in Love and Dark Magic.

This is the a Feature film developed by Westerfield Studios. With Robert B. Westerfield Jr. at the helm we have...

All the characters designed and the look of the world locked down.

All of the Steampunk music and songs recorded.

All the Foley and effects are complete.

All 13 song have been Storyborded.

Nine songs have been filmed for animation.

Two songs are in animation.

We are seeking funding and/or partners in this project.

The Dolls of New Albion

Animated Feature

All four acts are narrated by a mysterious woman named Kate. The 1st Act is concerned with a scientist, Annabel McAlistair, and her attempt to bring back her dead love, placing him within the body of a mechanical mannequin. The 2nd Act shows her son, Edgar, his business exploits and how they affect the city. The 3rd Act follows his son, Byron, and his ensuing political race and cultural impact on New Albion. Finally, the 4th Act tells the story of Priscilla McAlistair and a New Albion Soldier. Throughout each acts there is Jasper, a continual presence in each of the character's lives.

Each generation's meddling with these Dolls contributes to the gradual fall of New Albion itself.

Some the characters designed and the look of the world locked down. Thanks to Abigail Larson.

All of the Steampunk music and songs recorded.

We are seeking funding for this project.

War in the Air cover .png

The War in the Air

Animated 13 Episodic

Our Dieselpunk airship adventure into a Dystopian Retro-Future which never was continue in the epic Zeppelin war novel by H. G. Wells. NOW the Animated 13 Episodic story of THE WAR IN THE AIR! Young Bert Smallways, a brilliant mechanist and accidental aeronaut, finds himself as a reluctant stowaway upon the very same airship which begins the Great War. This is “Dieselpunk” at its finest, featuring petrol-powered war machines, ironclads, bombardments, espionage, intrigue and daring adventures in the wild skies of the earliest 1900s. Smallways is swept away aboard the Vaterland, the flagship piloted by a belligerent German Princess, whose mastery of technology shall herald in a new age of war. How long can Smallways keep his identity a secret from the Princess? Will Bert survive THE WAR IN THE AIR?

This is the a Episodic story developed by Westerfield Studios. We have…

All of the music and songs recorded.

All the characters designed and the look of the world locked down.

Some Storyboarding.

Story Arc Outline.

Episode #1 Script.

We are seeking funding for this project.